Franje Fanceva 22b, 23000 Zadar, Croatia


Frequently emphasised as important, but unfortunately sometimes neglected by both professionals and the patients. Preventive procedures aim to prevent the occurrence of caries, periodontitis and other pathological changes in the mouth.

In broader sense, treatments used for removing caries and treating periodontium are also preventive ones if take into consideration further complications that occur if we do not treat these conditions.

After an examination our team will advise you on the possible shortcomings in your oral hygiene and educate you on:
-how to improve your oral hygiene
-possible mistakes you make during preventive procedures
-what we can do and the importance of preventive procedures done at our practice

Some of the preventive procedures done at our practice:
- teeth sandblasting
- dental sealants on permanent teeth
- fluoridation by varnish or gel

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